Archive for September, 2009

IndyPundit – Now With More Political Microblogging

Well, this site has been around for a while now but it wasn’t much more than an experiment in building websites for a long time.  I had another domain doing politics, so there wasn’t much use for this one aside from a weekend project to test a few skills.

Anyway – a lot has changed and I feel like I’ve really got a place for IndyPundit now.  The political site has been taken down due to unforseeable security issues, so this will be my primary platform for political and economic micro-blogging.

That means, everytime I come up with a silly political concept or I just want to rant a bit off the record, I’ll be adding a short post here.  Hopefully, these little bits of reaction will add up to a clearer worldview that takes strategic positioning and institutional power into consideration.

Stock market down 180

September 2009 is off to a rocky start. While the month is typically a weak one for stock markets, this one comes amid serious concerns about consumer spending and significant slowdowns in almost all aspects of economic activity.

Grumblings from abroad suggest our easy dollar and state subsidy plan will not last forever, so what happens when assets begin to deflate again despite massive federal intervention?

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